To get access to this manual instantly, simply add it to your basket, checkout and then you will be given your unique download link. Full instructions are included to ensure a hassle free installation.
To get access to this manual instantly, simply add it to your basket, checkout and then you will be given your unique download link. Full instructions are included to ensure a hassle free installation.
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If you have purchased a download, then you can get an additional ÂŁ5 off the USB stick version of the manual. This is ideal if you have little to no computer experience, or you want a totally hassle free, space saving and portable way of running your Workshop manual then this option is for you. We will pre-install the manual completely on a portable USB stick so you simply plug the stick into any PC or Mac and then run the manual directly from the USB stick. Everything is included, simply plug it in, install the viewing app on your PC or Mac and then run the manual. With this solution you can carry the manual in your pocket and save a lot of hard drive space on your computer. Don’t Forget to also add your download to the shopping cart!
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